Thursday, October 05, 2006

Speaker Hastert MUST Fight Back
It's time to act like a Democrat and go on as if nothing ever happened.

Republicans Must Step Up
It's now time for my fellow Republicans to call the Dem's bluff. The October surprises--Woodward's silly book (have you read it? I believe he's gone from journalist to mindreader.), Foley's scandal and the usual drip drip drip of "bad news" from the Middle East--have much more meaning this election. Let's look at the possibilities, shall we?

  • A majority in the House: Wrangle as Chairman of Ways and Means, Pelosi as Speaker of the House, ad infinitum. I think I'll be sick.
  • A shift in the Senate: Reid as Senate Majority Leader, people like Kerry, Durbin and Biden in more powerful positions than you can imagine. I fight the gag reflex as I write...
  • The ability to prevent the president from prosecuting the war in a way that will make Viet Nam look like organized war games, you know, the usual way Dems fight wars. You think our casualties are bad now!

I have to stop. It's just too much to contemplate, what with the increase in my taxes, America hating and all.

I want Dennis Hastert to stay in his post, tell the Dems and the media to stuff it and lead the party toward victory in November. We cannot, must not show weakness. We've capitulated in the past and always paid for it. We have nothing, absolutely NOTHING, to apologize for.

Let the Dems suck toes, for all I care. This is war.

Thanks for the read.

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