Friday, September 21, 2007

The Children's Table Throws Another Temper Tantrum

The little darlings at Move On are terribly unhappy that someone would officially comment on their outrageous, childish and dangerous behavior and just said so on today's post.

The U.S. Senate just told you to sit down and be quiet.
They passed a Resolution condemning to intimidate all of us who care about ending this war. We say,"We will not be quiet, we will fight back, and we will keep speaking out until Congress forms an exit plan for this awful war."

The Young, The Entitled, The Weak
There they go again, as RR used to say when he wanted to completely diminish his critics. Usually, however, his opponents were sophisticated and worldly enough to understand the value of debate, a touche or two from each side and the importance of respecting each other's political reality. As it is with these all-or-nothing folks, we've been forced to react to them or allow them to run roughshod over individual groups (the Jews, the Christians, the Republicans) and public servants (General Patraeus)

I'm not too thrilled with the Senate Resolution. I think it was unnecessary and set MOO up for another counter attack. You have to wonder what the back story is there. Why are so many Republicans retiring, for instance? Whatever it is, something more than the "Betray Us" ad is behind this, otherwise yesterday's Senate Resolution seems like overkill to me.

A Note on The MOO Language
The kids at MOO are obviously prickly about their youthful image. They should be.
Nevermind them. I want to know what the Jihadists think. Oh, look. I just found a script written by the Jihadist I took to lunch the other day. Lemme see if there's anything...yep. Oh, look. Here it is:

Working Title:
How To Fight a Real War When You Don't Have Your Own Personal Country

Fade in.

Int - Islamofascist Mosque (Iran) - Night

Fifty men gather at the annual convention of "made" Islamofascists. They're on their feet in blinding white robes and form a crescent at the foot of the podium; they scream in the air in Arabic as if there is an object to scream at; they pump their fists.

The keynote speaker, an Islamofascist leader (looks to have just turned 50), stands at the dais. Beads of sweat fly off his unusually dark beard as he continues his firey oratory.

Islamofascist Leader
Stupid Amerika. They listen to children!

The crowd breaks into hysterical laughter.
Five minutes later...

Islamofascist Leader
These are grown men who live with their parents!
God is Great!

Death to Amerika!
Death to Amerika!

Islamofascist Leader
The Amerikans send her good ones to fight us and to be killed in our backyard--yet leave their parasites at home to
write about freedom and the news! Did Allah not say this would happen?
God IS great.

Allah Akbahr!
Allah Akbahr!

Fade out.

Depressing, isn't it?
Thanks for the read.

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