Post Election Rant
With a naive and gullible electorate firmly convinced miracles will happen once Pelosi and Company take over the country, the next item on my list is to convince people we're on a precipice of destruction.
While the Dems morph even further left, daily events continue to threaten us. As Dick Durbin becomes all he could be, the president of Iran announced he has a surprise for the US which he will deliver very soon. His bellicosity is highlighted with his pronouncing a new holocaust. Wait a minute. I thought he didn't believe there was an old holocaust. No one's listening, though.
Anyway, on top of that bit of sunshine, we've had new missives from the bin Laden camp which indicates they (the Muslims) have not yet spilled enough American blood. It will be interesting to watch Cut and Run--21st Century Style. as El Qaeda ensconces the new Caliphate in Iraq. That's quite a price to pay for Murtha's new committee chair. But, then, the people have spoken.
So Many Threats, So Few Brains
Then there's China, whose subs have been shadowing our carrier, Kitty Hawk...undetected. Guess that's why the Chinese are called inscrutable. But, nevermind. God knows we'll help them all we can to build up their economy and defense systems. We're good at that. Damned sleeping dragons, anyway.
North Korea, albeit China's strategic problem, still has the ability to sell to the highest bidder the knowledge and material for nuke making. That's okay, though. The Dems think that if we dance with Kim Jong Il, ala M. Albright, we'll be safe. After all, Pelosi comes from that "Nuclear Free Zone" in the Bay area. You gotta trust somebody!
Lemme see. We also have a left reprise in Nicaragua as Daniel Ortega apparently won an actual election. With the guy in Boliva, a recycled Socialist, and the twit in Venezuela threatening the US, arguably the largest user of his oil, maybe folks who bought beachfront property along east coast of Central and South America should think about selling. It's doubtful a tiny Ecuadorian democratic government could withstand this wave of socialism, for instance. These folks give new meaning to the term eminent domain. Just ask exiled Cubans. But, we're fine. The new regime in Congress never met a socialist they didn't like. Besides, how else can they get back at us Republicans for that dastardly Iran-Contra deal? Everything old is new again in Washington.
What else? Well, domestically, we have a problem down south and up north. No longer do we have an immigration mess; rather, we've got a major national security problem. But, to be more sensitive, the policy has become narrowly focused on illegal aliens from Mexico. Those folks vote too, you know.
I almost forgot. There are two items the Dems haven't really come clean on. First of all, the pathologic Bush Haters want to impeach him. That's goes along with the judicial committee chair, J. Waxmann, who stated with regard to lawsuits against this administration, he's like a king in a harem: he knows what he wants to do but doesn't know where to start.
The second item is of course tax increases. They will happen. The only Democrat who understood tax cuts was John Kennedy, and he's dead.
It's the Power, Stupid.
So, as these stealth leftists in our government quickly take over, they'd best remember a very important fact. Winning an election is easy. Now they've got to govern. My hunch is they will reach too far and will fail within the first year. After all, they always have and always will--this tendency is inherent to their constitutions and ideology.
Thanks for the read.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Friday, October 13, 2006
Labels:baby boomers, clinton,communists Celebrities, Giuliani, Oprah Winfrey, Pop Culture
Saturday, October 07, 2006
This is Howawd CoSell, Speaking of Spoooohrtz
Most of my girlfriends dislike that I'm a big sports fan, especially football. What can I say? I come by it honestly. My dad was an athletic coach.
Why People Hate Hollywood
I'm currently writing screenplays. As a result I talk via internet numerous screenwriters, some wannabes, some produced. I also come across agents, production assistants, and support folks and readers.
Friday Night Lights, the NBC production based on the Bessinger novel of the same name, came up as a subject for discussion. Many of you already know the storyline: small town Texas high school football and the craziness that surrounds it.
I responded to a post which stated that it was a real tragedy that there was so little to do in small towns that people have to resort to putting their children through this hell, that it is viscous and wrong and it's akin to Jon Benet Ramsey's situation. No, I'm not kidding. Of course, what this twit was really trying to say was that Texas was the end of the earth and the idiots there were no better than Neanderthals, what with the football games, and how tragic it is when a child would ask "Daddy, does God love football?"
Well, I'll admit to not being too subtle. I think his calling me a slack jawed yokel was what may have put me over the edge. I mentioned his possible gonadal challenge--well, he did say he wasn't a football fan. I think I may have reminded him about being the last one chosen for basketball. It was wrong, I know, but he had it coming.
Finally, My Point
Much of what this gentleman comes on his natural creative make up. He's paid to look beneath. That the beauty of any great movie: its subtext. I appreciate the artful aspect of it as much as anyone.
However, all I could think about during this discussion was his tired, dismissive attitude of an entire group of people. And then to be called stupid because I tried to explain that his attitude cut off discussion because he refuses to grant respect to those of us who disagree.
He continued to call me an idiot. We left it at that.
My Dad, the Coach
I remember my dad saying he was a teacher first, a coach second. His job was to teach character which is the foundation of all games, indeed life. Without trust, you can't play.
If that is what Hollywood calls Neanderthal, I guess it will have to stand. Regardless of the excesses which can occur in any endeavor (soccer comes to mind, business, relationships), I'm struck by the genuine, overall disbelief from these Hwood types that normal people actually to think the way my dad had. Moreover, they accuse me of not telling the full truth, or worse, make cuts about traditional ideals and practices, which they say they suspect, are not true anyway, as if I were in a dream for the many years I lived this reality.
To compare parents of competent, excited, worthwhile football players to someone who supposedly exploited their daughter by forcing her to be involved in beauty contests is indicative of the huge chasm between Hwood's reality and yours and mine.
This cynical view of life coming from the left in Hollywood, thought smart or cool by fanboys and the old media, pushes traditionalists like me further away from their particular form of art. In fact, I'm hard pressed to further involve myself.
I'm amazed there are still good stories being told. There are, of course. They're just awfully hard to find. Meanwhile, Friday Night Lights is a fantastic pentimento of life in in a small town in Texas. I recommend it.
My answer to another Hollywood whack job, Michael Moore, and his pledge to us hapless Republicans is forthcoming.,0,3842827.story
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Labels:baby boomers, clinton,communists Celebrities, Giuliani, Oprah Winfrey, Pop Culture
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Speaker Hastert MUST Fight Back
It's time to act like a Democrat and go on as if nothing ever happened.
Republicans Must Step Up
It's now time for my fellow Republicans to call the Dem's bluff. The October surprises--Woodward's silly book (have you read it? I believe he's gone from journalist to mindreader.), Foley's scandal and the usual drip drip drip of "bad news" from the Middle East--have much more meaning this election. Let's look at the possibilities, shall we?
- A majority in the House: Wrangle as Chairman of Ways and Means, Pelosi as Speaker of the House, ad infinitum. I think I'll be sick.
- A shift in the Senate: Reid as Senate Majority Leader, people like Kerry, Durbin and Biden in more powerful positions than you can imagine. I fight the gag reflex as I write...
- The ability to prevent the president from prosecuting the war in a way that will make Viet Nam look like organized war games, you know, the usual way Dems fight wars. You think our casualties are bad now!
I have to stop. It's just too much to contemplate, what with the increase in my taxes, America hating and all.
I want Dennis Hastert to stay in his post, tell the Dems and the media to stuff it and lead the party toward victory in November. We cannot, must not show weakness. We've capitulated in the past and always paid for it. We have nothing, absolutely NOTHING, to apologize for.
Let the Dems suck toes, for all I care. This is war.
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Labels:baby boomers, clinton,communists Celebrities, Giuliani, Oprah Winfrey, Pop Culture