Post Election Rant
With a naive and gullible electorate firmly convinced miracles will happen once Pelosi and Company take over the country, the next item on my list is to convince people we're on a precipice of destruction.
While the Dems morph even further left, daily events continue to threaten us. As Dick Durbin becomes all he could be, the president of Iran announced he has a surprise for the US which he will deliver very soon. His bellicosity is highlighted with his pronouncing a new holocaust. Wait a minute. I thought he didn't believe there was an old holocaust. No one's listening, though.
Anyway, on top of that bit of sunshine, we've had new missives from the bin Laden camp which indicates they (the Muslims) have not yet spilled enough American blood. It will be interesting to watch Cut and Run--21st Century Style. as El Qaeda ensconces the new Caliphate in Iraq. That's quite a price to pay for Murtha's new committee chair. But, then, the people have spoken.
So Many Threats, So Few Brains
Then there's China, whose subs have been shadowing our carrier, Kitty Hawk...undetected. Guess that's why the Chinese are called inscrutable. But, nevermind. God knows we'll help them all we can to build up their economy and defense systems. We're good at that. Damned sleeping dragons, anyway.
North Korea, albeit China's strategic problem, still has the ability to sell to the highest bidder the knowledge and material for nuke making. That's okay, though. The Dems think that if we dance with Kim Jong Il, ala M. Albright, we'll be safe. After all, Pelosi comes from that "Nuclear Free Zone" in the Bay area. You gotta trust somebody!
Lemme see. We also have a left reprise in Nicaragua as Daniel Ortega apparently won an actual election. With the guy in Boliva, a recycled Socialist, and the twit in Venezuela threatening the US, arguably the largest user of his oil, maybe folks who bought beachfront property along east coast of Central and South America should think about selling. It's doubtful a tiny Ecuadorian democratic government could withstand this wave of socialism, for instance. These folks give new meaning to the term eminent domain. Just ask exiled Cubans. But, we're fine. The new regime in Congress never met a socialist they didn't like. Besides, how else can they get back at us Republicans for that dastardly Iran-Contra deal? Everything old is new again in Washington.
What else? Well, domestically, we have a problem down south and up north. No longer do we have an immigration mess; rather, we've got a major national security problem. But, to be more sensitive, the policy has become narrowly focused on illegal aliens from Mexico. Those folks vote too, you know.
I almost forgot. There are two items the Dems haven't really come clean on. First of all, the pathologic Bush Haters want to impeach him. That's goes along with the judicial committee chair, J. Waxmann, who stated with regard to lawsuits against this administration, he's like a king in a harem: he knows what he wants to do but doesn't know where to start.
The second item is of course tax increases. They will happen. The only Democrat who understood tax cuts was John Kennedy, and he's dead.
It's the Power, Stupid.
So, as these stealth leftists in our government quickly take over, they'd best remember a very important fact. Winning an election is easy. Now they've got to govern. My hunch is they will reach too far and will fail within the first year. After all, they always have and always will--this tendency is inherent to their constitutions and ideology.
Thanks for the read.
Friday, October 13, 2006
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Friday, October 13, 2006
Labels:baby boomers, clinton,communists Celebrities, Giuliani, Oprah Winfrey, Pop Culture
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And how have the Republican's governed? They've screwed up a war in Iraq that they lied to us about in order to start, and the mess is so bad nobody knows what to do about it; they've busted the budget; they're corrupt as could be; they're as ineffective as they are corrupt; they've abandoned conservatism; they even threw in a homosexual sex scandal that their leadership covered up for, in case the base didn't get the message. What's more, they have no clue about how to address any of these problems, except to charge that Democrats are on the side of terrorists and like losing and abortions and NAMBLA and such. What's even more, we've lived through six years of this stuff.
Whew... and the socialism moniker is a really re-hashed catch phrase, so will "San Francisco Values" after ringing through the Hannity Echo Chamber.
Yes, the American people voted to have some responsible adults in power and the Right is just going to have to deal with it.
Re: Iran and Neocons plan of attack
It's hard to take seriously a threat from either Venezuela or Bolivia, let alone an older, wiser Daniel Ortega in Nicaraugua. Iran, on the other hand is a different matter and worthy of a long hard look. What also needs to happen is a reassessment of the US's strategy of "Permanent War".
Below is a little perspective on "evil" Iran and it's "evil" leader and recent US policy toward both.
As the heart of their doctrine, Neoconservatives took Leon Trotsky’s concept of “permanent revolution” and adapted it to their own radical ideology in the guise of “permanent war.” Just as Trotsky (and later Mao) saw permanent revolution, so the Neoconservatives saw what the US Defense Department now calls “the long war” as the means to destroy foreign opponents and silence domestic critics who would fear to be charged as unpatriotic. Their doctrine has been incorporated in the March 6, 2006 “National Security Strategy of the United States.” Mr. Bush summarized its imperatives on March 16, 2006 thus: “We choose to deal with challenges now rather than leaving them for future generations. We fight our enemies abroad instead of waiting for them to arrive in our country. We seek to shape the world, not be merely be shaped by it; to influence events for the better instead of being at their mercy.” Having identified Iran as part of “the Axis of Evil,” he specified that “we may face no greater challenge from a single country than from Iran” because, he charged, it threatens Israel, sponsors terrorism, oppresses its people and, above all, is embarked on acquisition of nuclear weapons.
The nuclear weapons charge is the most critical. Iran (along with the US, France, Britain and other countries) had signed the 1968 Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty. The treaty obligated the signers who did not yet have nuclear weapons to refrain from moves toward acquiring them and those that already had weapons to move toward giving them up. Neither Israel, Pakistan, India nor North Korea signed the treaty and the established nuclear powers have publicly acknowledged their violation of the treaty both by retaining their full stocks of weapons and by building more. What Iran is doing is uncertain. So far as is known, it has not violated the treaty, but intelligence specialists guess that it is determined to have nuclear weapons. A program to manufacture them was begun with American assistance under the regime of the Shah, then stopped and probably restarted. US intelligence consensus is that Iran is today five to ten years away from getting them.
The Neoconservatives also believe that Iran is a threat to Israel and quote President Mahmoud Ahmad-i Nejad’s pronouncements as proof. He foolishly denied the reality of the holocaust and harshly criticized Israeli policy toward the Palestinians. Worse he described Zionism as a has-been and predicted that Israel would decline and fall. But he was misquoted as saying that Israel would be “wiped off the map.” Even if he wished it would, his country is incapable of making it happen: Israel has the strongest army in Western Asia, the second most powerful air force in the world and a stockpile estimated to contain 400 or more nuclear weapons while Iran has a large but immobile army, a small but antiquated air force and no nuclear weapons. More important, Israel acts in close association with the United States while Iran has no effective allies. As a state it is no threat to anyone.
Mr. Bush also charged Iran with sponsoring terrorism. Yet, Iran helped the US to bring down the Taliban regime in Afghanistan and has consistently opposed al-Qaida. True, it has given money and weapons to the Lebanese Hizbullah against which Israel has been fighting. Moreover, it has, itself, been the target of terrorism for which it blames America.
Finally, while the Iranian fundamentalist regime is oppressive so are a number of other regimes that the Bush administration warmly approves. And, unlike Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Uzbekistan, its government is the product of what, by local standards, was a reasonably free election. In fact, most observers believe that if a new election were held today, it would be overwhelmingly returned to office. Thus, although President Bush is right that the government denies the right of its people to live as Americans think they should, it has done so with the consent of the governed.
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