All Americans should be outraged that the killer from Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is allowed to set foot on American soil. I wish we didn't have to let him in--not now, not ever. He's a terrorist. He doesn't belong at The United Nations.
Why does he want to go the 9/11 Memorial? I believe he'd like to place his own wreath (a waist bomb?) for the nineteen murderers who made him and the rest of these loathsome people proud.
Spineless College Administrators
When interviewed, John Coastworth, Dean of Columbia University, who invited this moron to speak, stated he certainly wouldn't have invited him if we were at war. He added, nor would he have invited Hitler if we were at war.
If we were at war? So, knowing Hitler the way everyone in the world did in the 30s, that he was anti-Semitic to the point of pathology, Columbia would have invited him because he had not yet invaded Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland? How about when he marched down the Champs De Elysee? Then?
Perhaps we can't all be soldiers, but isn't there anything that these folks will stand for besides "free speech?"
A Generation of Observers and Talkers
We've successfully taught our children that there is no black or white, there is no judgment that man can make about another, if only we (Americans) would be nicer to these countries who are so mad at us; then, here's my favorite: You right-wingers are all alike. You're exaggerating. Besides, it's just about oil. Go green and that'll stop. Nothing's going to happen. And if it does, it your damned fault, you and your hateful ways.
God, it's exhausting to listen to the Progressive Left's inflexible, irresponsible, juvenile rhetoric.
Is this a result of a generation who did not have to think about defending themselves because a draft wasn't even in their consciousness? Why won't they deal with reality? What psychological hook is causing this almost suicidal preoccupation with political correctness? Moreover, Columbia's adults in charge, if there are any, should set the example of intolerance towards any terrorists who supply the weaponry to kill our own people--no, their own people.
Why is is so hard for academia to do what everyone knows is right? Are they constitutionally incapable of ignoring the obvious and are so invested in their scholarly inquiry they're unable to go along, even when it's best? We didn't have these issues thirty years ago! But then, thirty years ago, we had embassy full of American hostages in Tehran thanks to the feckless Jimmy Carter. Ahmadinejad himself has been identified by many of the hostages as a major participant in their capture.
I wonder when the country will stand up solidly against these outrages. Soon? After we're hit again? When? After Iran steps up the support of Pakistan's El Qaeda, knocks out Musharref, takes control of the nuclear labs in Islamabad? Would the university president consider us to be at war then?
Thanks for the read.
Why does he want to go the 9/11 Memorial? I believe he'd like to place his own wreath (a waist bomb?) for the nineteen murderers who made him and the rest of these loathsome people proud.
Spineless College Administrators
When interviewed, John Coastworth, Dean of Columbia University, who invited this moron to speak, stated he certainly wouldn't have invited him if we were at war. He added, nor would he have invited Hitler if we were at war.
If we were at war? So, knowing Hitler the way everyone in the world did in the 30s, that he was anti-Semitic to the point of pathology, Columbia would have invited him because he had not yet invaded Czechoslovakia, Austria, Poland? How about when he marched down the Champs De Elysee? Then?
Perhaps we can't all be soldiers, but isn't there anything that these folks will stand for besides "free speech?"
A Generation of Observers and Talkers
We've successfully taught our children that there is no black or white, there is no judgment that man can make about another, if only we (Americans) would be nicer to these countries who are so mad at us; then, here's my favorite: You right-wingers are all alike. You're exaggerating. Besides, it's just about oil. Go green and that'll stop. Nothing's going to happen. And if it does, it your damned fault, you and your hateful ways.
God, it's exhausting to listen to the Progressive Left's inflexible, irresponsible, juvenile rhetoric.
Is this a result of a generation who did not have to think about defending themselves because a draft wasn't even in their consciousness? Why won't they deal with reality? What psychological hook is causing this almost suicidal preoccupation with political correctness? Moreover, Columbia's adults in charge, if there are any, should set the example of intolerance towards any terrorists who supply the weaponry to kill our own people--no, their own people.
Why is is so hard for academia to do what everyone knows is right? Are they constitutionally incapable of ignoring the obvious and are so invested in their scholarly inquiry they're unable to go along, even when it's best? We didn't have these issues thirty years ago! But then, thirty years ago, we had embassy full of American hostages in Tehran thanks to the feckless Jimmy Carter. Ahmadinejad himself has been identified by many of the hostages as a major participant in their capture.
I wonder when the country will stand up solidly against these outrages. Soon? After we're hit again? When? After Iran steps up the support of Pakistan's El Qaeda, knocks out Musharref, takes control of the nuclear labs in Islamabad? Would the university president consider us to be at war then?
Thanks for the read.
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