The tough love, indecent advice that Schlessinger gives some of her callers needs to be looked at very carefully.
Remember, this is the woman whose mother was found practically mummified in an apartment just a few blocks from Schlessinger's broadcast center, where she presumably works every day. I suppose she just couldn't spare the time to check up on the old gal. As a Jew who professes to believe in the Ten Commandments, I suggest she check the one about honoring one's mother and father. However, I am told that she defends her actions, then touts her abyssmal human failure as an example.
In our easy, non-defined media centric culture, someone like Schlessinger succeeds because there are enough mad, self-righteous, narcissitic and naive young people to listen. Her whole schtick consists of telling young men and woman that if it's perfectly fine to cut people in your family out of your life if they're not displaying the "correct" amount of mea culpas for mistakes and past sins, no matter what. It makes me wonder how she can be so easily believed considering her own background.
This woman has a Ph.D degree in Physiology, the study of the function of systems in the body. Does her CV contain advanced psychiatric, psychological, sociological studies or other germane disciplines? Surprisingly, yes. She is a certified MSFC and claims to have twelve years of clinical experience. I'm sure her peers winced when she hung out her shingle spewing her own guilt-driven crap so that she can justify and feel better about her obscene treatment of her own mother. That tells me volumes about her inability to empathize and deal with real issues using thoughtful and effective methods. In addition, her defference to men in general and her preoccupation with her father and the "care and feeding" of husbands says to me she's probably in competition with most woman. It's clear she dislikes the company of other smart women.
Schlessinger's radio presence is hardly new, just modified to demonstrate her gimmick. This is the same woman whom I listened to during 1979 though about 1980 whose schtick THEN was be your own woman, to hell with the kids (of course, then she didn't have any) and look how wonderful she is. I was struggling as a single mother trying to work and go to school for my degree at this time and listened on my way to class every day. My mistake. Her tremendous lack of understanding of the daily realities in other people's lives became apparent too late, but I still listened. I was striving, after all, for normalcy for my family.
Today, of course, we find out she stopped speaking to her own mother, posed for nude photos (as if everyone did) and other outrages that question her ability to provide advice for anyone. What a freaking liar.
So, at age 60, she has the gall to castigate anyone who's made errors in judgement in raising their kids, has no tolerance for what is for many people extended families, issues that can be worked out if shown a forgiving and charitable attitude. She hides behind her conservative facade, her only child paratrooper son (that hoowa thing she does every day is ridiculous), ignoring the impact her past and lack of accountability has on others, then spouts her "common sense."
Who really knows what her family was like? It couldn't have been much of a model because she does everything she can to tempt people into terrible actions which affect and break up entire families. It matters not the circumstances (she simply doesn't have the airtime to explore those minor details); she's a mean old woman with no grace. It makes me wonder if she's turned into exactly what she hated about her mother. Many of us do, you know. The good news is as we mature, we find the old dolls weren't so bad after all.
I've boycotted Laura Schlessinger because I've heard her too many times discount the real problems, take as gospel the family complaints she hears from her callers and even one time told a woman who had just lost her child that she was basically responsible for it (she wasn't). To paraphrase, her response to the woman who called to get some comfort instead got told she's an idiot and deserved what she got.
If I want irrelevant, mean and angry post-menopausal craziness and edginess, I'll look in the mirror.
Thanks for the read.
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Hey, Dr. Laura! How many families did you break up today?
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Labels:baby boomers, clinton,communists Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Friday, November 16, 2007
Mark Cuban: just another technocrat blowhard
The billionaire owner of the Dallas Mavericks, a basketball team, has branched out into movie distribution. The film, "Redacted," is anti military and crudely put together showing one-dimensional characterizations of our soldiers. It depicts drunken soldiers raping a 14-year old girl and killing her family. The soliders about which this picture was made are currently serving life sentences in military prisons.
Saying it doesn't make it so
Cuban actually says that this horrible film doesn't affect our troops and that the film won't be used by our enemies against us. Is he kidding? Is he really that stupid?
One more time I had to find out what makes a person like Cuban, who was given so much by his country hate his country so much that he would become the 21st century equivalent to Jane Fonda and her visit to Hanoi. I doubt that a betrayal this huge can just be shrugged off as he did in his blog, As he becomes more human through these types of humiliations, one of which is ageing, his psychic pain and guilt will be unbearable when he looks back over the years. I can say that from experience. Nothing gets unnoticed in this life. Nothing.
The reviews actually are pretty sad for Mark's maiden voyage into the Hollywood whirlpools and eddys. Poor dear. I guess he really did think that his money could buy him anything, including art and patriotism, and most importantly, girls and Hollywood. This traitorous, arrogant little man is about to see the true reaction of people when his movie bombs, which it will.
I have to also wonder why the Maverick fans would support this twit and his team, especially in Dallas. Is basketball really more important that one's principles?
I would ask those fans to do the following: Close your eyes and think of Mark Cuban prancing around the basketball floor, yelling at referees and then place another picture of our soldiers in Iraq next to it.
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Friday, November 16, 2007
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Once again, Iowa states its mind...and the rest of us lose ours
Rudy's lost ground in the Iowa primary race. Pundits believe he's behind because of his personal life and his indifference to changes in abortion laws. I guess they also don't like his association with Bernard Kerik, the NYPD ex-commissioner, what with the timely arrest of Kerik. I know nothing politicians do is unplanned, so whoever thought Kerik's problem would distract Iowa's voters was right. Moreover, he's said to be behind in advertising. Someone said it may be too late for him to regain his ground.
The bad news is if Rudy is beaten in Iowa (he's in third behind Romney and Huckabee) as well as in a couple of other states (New Hampshire and South Carolina), he could very easily lose the national nomination. That is the worst case scenario.
Anyone out there know who can beat Hillary Clinton? Well, it ain't Romney and it sure ain't Huckabee, as it's said in Iowan. Giuliani and McCain are the Republican's trump cards. Why can't Iowans swallow their pride, get over their inner anal cranial inversion and realize this?
Pride! Ever see the Music Man? See it and weep. These folks are as hard as nails and stubborn as mules. Nothing gets them moving and that's why they're in Iowa. Whether a man or woman isn't conservative enough for a voter in these times is terribly pigheaded and kind of irresponsible, when one thinks on it. Mitt Romney is just another Republican failure waiting to happen in foreign policy while Huckabee is an ordained Baptist preacher and inexperienced; but, most importantly, both are unelectable and cannot overcome the Clinton machine.
First of all, Romney and especially, Huckabee are both way too nice. Neither of them have shown me a killer instinct I think is a prerequisite required of the president; it comes from experience with the bad boys of this world, like Rudy's with the mob and McCain's with his VietCong captors, his fellow senators and American progressives.
I am again baffled as to why some people like these conservative Iowans can't really accept we're at war and thus need a strong president who can't be buffaloed. In fact, they probably don't know they need someone a lot like themselves. I can assure all Iowans neither Romney nor Huckabee will fulfill their conservative expectations. No one can these days. One more time, the Right's timing stinks. They'd rather be right than alive, evidently.
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
One year later: Pelosi's congress overreached...and failed!
How time flies when we're having fun. I wrote a piece titled "Michael Moore's Bitch Slap" that appeared here on 11/20/2006 as a response to Moore's post-election euphoria.The other piece, "Pelosi's Coronation," was posted on 1/4/2007. Click on the archives and find them.
How did I know the Dems would overreach? Experience, Baby, experience! Remember that I have a few national elections under my old belt.
Enjoy the crow.
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
An Imam from Arkansas wants the Islamic States of North America by 2050. Can it be done?
As tired and weary as we are of hearing about these crazy Islamofascists, we have to stay abreast of their systematic, incremental movement within our own institutions. If we continue to allow the left to define the argument, we will lose our country. I urge you to read the following; then start talking to other people. You are not a racist for wanting to keep our country. Don't let these sieve-brains define you as well!
Posted: November 10, 2007 1:00 a.m.
Eastern By Art Moore © 2007
A Washington, D.C., imam states explicitly on the website for his organization that he is part of a movement working toward replacement of the U.S. government with "the Islamic State of North America" by 2050.
With branches in Oakland, Los Angeles, San Diego, Sacramento and Philadelphia, the group As-Sabiqun – or the Vanguard – is under the leadership of Abdul Alim Musa in the nation's capital.
Musa's declaration of his intention to help lead a takeover of America was highlighted by noted Islam observer Robert Spencer on his website Jihad Watch.
Spencer told WND that figures such as Musa should not be ignored, "Not because they have the power to succeed, but because they may commit acts of violence to achieve their purpose."
Musa's website declares: "Those who engage in this great effort require a high level of commitment and determination. We are sending out a call to the believers: Join with us in this great struggle to change the world!"
Musa launched the group in the early 1990s at the Al-Islam mosque in Philadelphia. His group says it is influenced by the writings and life work of Muslim thinkers and leaders such as Muslim Brotherhood founder Hasan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb and Iranian revolutionary Ayatollah Khomenei.
The writings of Al-Banna and Qutb figured prominently in al-Qaida's formation.
Musa's organization says its leadership "has delivered numerous speeches in the United States and abroad, contributing their analyses and efforts to solve contemporary problems in the Muslim world and in urban America."
Abdul Alim Musa "The paramount goal of the movement is the establishment of Islam as a complete way of life in America," the group declares. "This ultimate goal is predicated on the belief – shared by many Muslims worldwide – that Islam is fully capable of producing a working and just social, political, economic order."
The groups says it does not "advocate participation in the American political process as an ideal method for advancing Islamic issues in the U.S.; instead, it believes in a strong and active outreach to the people of the U.S."
Spencer told WND he does not know of any direct influence Musa has on prominent Muslim leaders or on U.S. policymakers, but he says it's "unclear how much 'mainstream' Muslim leaders harbor similar hopes – because no one dares question them about it."
In London last summer, as WND reported, Muslims gathered in front of the London Central Mosque to applaud fiery preachers prophesying the overthrow of the British government – a future vision that encompasses an Islamic takeover of the White House and the rule of the Quran over America.
Musa says he wants to avoid what he calls an "absolutist" outlook on "the advancement of Muslims."
His group's philosophy is to stress unity between the various streams of Islam "in the attainment of common goals."
Although As-Sabiqun is a Sunni movement, it has publicly voiced support for Shia movements and organizations such as the 1979 Islamic revolution in Iran and the Iranian-backed group Hezbollah, which waged war on Israel in the summer of 2006.
Musa, the group says, repeatedly has "stressed that the tendency by some Muslims to focus on the differences between Sunni and Shia Islam at this juncture in history is counterproductive to the goals of the Islamic movement as a whole."
The group says it encourages social-political advancement concurrent with a program of spiritual and moral development according to the Quran and Sunnah, compilations of stories from the life of Islam's prophet Muhammad.
The group says it has a six-point plan of action which is implemented at each location where a branch of the movement is established.
Establishing a mosque "as a place to worship Allah in congregation and as a center of spiritual and moral training."
"Calling the general society" to embrace Islam.
Establishing a full-time school "that raises children with a strong Islamic identity so they can, as future Islamic leaders, effectively meet and deal with the challenges of growing up in the West."
Establishing businesses to "make the movement financially stable and independent."
Establishing "geographical integrity by encouraging Muslims of the community to live in close proximity" to the mosque.
Establishing "social welfare institutions to respond to the need for spiritual and material assistance within the community as well as the general society."
In addition to daily classes, each mosque in the movement "also provides youth mentorship, marriage counseling, a prison outreach program, and employment assistance for ex-convicts."
As-Sabiqun says its branch in Los Angeles "was instrumental in creating a free health clinic in cooperation with other Islamic groups. The headquarters branch in D.C. has developed scout programs for young members of the community."
The group says the inspiration for its name comes from Quran, 9:100:
"The vanguard (as-Sabiqun) of Islam – the first of those who forsook their
homes, and of those who gave them aid, and also those who follow them in all
good deeds – well-pleased is Allah with them, as are they with Him: For them
hath He prepared Gardens under which rivers flow, to dwell therein forever: that
is the supreme Felicity."
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 09, 2007
Memo to: Hollywood Numbskulls (Redford, Streep, Cruise)--you still don't get it
No one's seeing antiwar movie stars in their antiwar movies. Gee, I wonder why. Cut and paste the following in your browser:
This self-serving, off-the-mark article is bad, but the comments renew my faith.
Selfish, cynical, egotistical, ungrateful and too rich radicals
Redford, Streep, Cruise, Gyllenhall, Witherspoon, Peckinpaw, et al! You've failed in your dreadful, shameful attempts to turn most of your countrymen against your country. Now you all get to see how the rest of America actually feels about you. Without the publicists, your yes men, without your hangers-on who tell you how wonderful you are every hour on the hour, without your tiny contingent of "important" artistes who simply talk to each other...about each other.
One of the ways you arrogant, worthless parasites can get some tickets sold is to make a pro-American movie. If you haven't figured out your box office failures are caused by your politics by now, you'll never see it. Till then, shut up. Return to your ivory towers and expensive retreats and leave the rest of us the hell alone. We have real work to do.
What a bunch of prigs.
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Friday, November 09, 2007
Monday, November 05, 2007
Oprah: Her Lesson is Hard Learned
Oprah should be applauded for stepping up and taking full responsiblity for the mess at her girls' dream school in South Africa. I believe her response is more than verbal; she also took control of the situation fairly early. The question really is what has Oprah learned?
Her Culture; Their Culture
Everyone seemed thrilled when Oprah opened her $40 million girls boarding school earlier this year. I am among those who adore Oprah, even when she's wrong, and love her good and sincere instincts as a human being. If there is anyone walking the walk, it is Oprah Winfrey. However, Oprah's dedicated insertion into South Africa's educational system has to be fraught with cultural differences that would throw anyone.
The United Nations Child Care Act, (74 of 1983) and the Child Care Amendment Act, (86 of 1991; 13 of 1999) make sexual abuse of children a criminal offense. Re-read that.Sexual abuse of children didn't start to become illegal
in South Africa until 1983 and then it was reasserted in 1999.
Oprah's South African roots are her badge of honor and in response has placed her money where her mouth is. In this case, her money didn't quite work. Her good intentions may have have been trumped by a profound cultural ignorance. I'd admit to feeling angry if she thought in hubris that she could change a cultural problem with $40 million, a name, 200 girls and one generation.
Or, she may be in denial. Maybe the "natural, primitive man" argument of the left isn't what she thought and has yet to accept that regardless of her standing, she is only at the start of changing what has taken decades to create via Apartheid. Things don't come easy, as poor Oprah is finding out these days.
As Oprah has grown, she's played with different outside identities. First the big girl look, then the jeans look, then the real look, then the Greene look, the perimenopausal look, now the pretty Oprah look. Inside, however, she doesn't seem to want to move on past her racial heritage. Yeah, she flirts with us non-black kids, but her heart belongs to Obama. Guess I feel hurt.
I wish Oprah well. I know that her goodness will prevail, but she's in some deep, deep legal trouble, which will take all her skill and reputation to overcome. Just wait for those thirteen families to dig into Oprah's deep pockets. Unfortunately, there are criminal sanctions, but it's too early to know those.
How could someone with so many good intentions get into so much trouble?
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Monday, November 05, 2007