Rudy's lost ground in the Iowa primary race. Pundits believe he's behind because of his personal life and his indifference to changes in abortion laws. I guess they also don't like his association with Bernard Kerik, the NYPD ex-commissioner, what with the timely arrest of Kerik. I know nothing politicians do is unplanned, so whoever thought Kerik's problem would distract Iowa's voters was right. Moreover, he's said to be behind in advertising. Someone said it may be too late for him to regain his ground.
The bad news is if Rudy is beaten in Iowa (he's in third behind Romney and Huckabee) as well as in a couple of other states (New Hampshire and South Carolina), he could very easily lose the national nomination. That is the worst case scenario.
Anyone out there know who can beat Hillary Clinton? Well, it ain't Romney and it sure ain't Huckabee, as it's said in Iowan. Giuliani and McCain are the Republican's trump cards. Why can't Iowans swallow their pride, get over their inner anal cranial inversion and realize this?
Pride! Ever see the Music Man? See it and weep. These folks are as hard as nails and stubborn as mules. Nothing gets them moving and that's why they're in Iowa. Whether a man or woman isn't conservative enough for a voter in these times is terribly pigheaded and kind of irresponsible, when one thinks on it. Mitt Romney is just another Republican failure waiting to happen in foreign policy while Huckabee is an ordained Baptist preacher and inexperienced; but, most importantly, both are unelectable and cannot overcome the Clinton machine.
First of all, Romney and especially, Huckabee are both way too nice. Neither of them have shown me a killer instinct I think is a prerequisite required of the president; it comes from experience with the bad boys of this world, like Rudy's with the mob and McCain's with his VietCong captors, his fellow senators and American progressives.
I am again baffled as to why some people like these conservative Iowans can't really accept we're at war and thus need a strong president who can't be buffaloed. In fact, they probably don't know they need someone a lot like themselves. I can assure all Iowans neither Romney nor Huckabee will fulfill their conservative expectations. No one can these days. One more time, the Right's timing stinks. They'd rather be right than alive, evidently.
Thanks for the read.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Once again, Iowa states its mind...and the rest of us lose ours
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
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