A Blast From The Past
Just when we thought it was safe, the same old crowd of lawyers and Clintonistas revive their favorite tactic when someone dares to call them on their shortcomings. Perhaps the idea that they'll just sue their enemies to death was what was behind the Bin Laden escape from capture and or death all along.
"Ah didn't do ut."
The cast is the same: Bruce Lindsey, attorney for Bill Clinton, sends a letter to ABC in which he basically threatens their broadcast license if they show their miniseries on Sunday and Monday, "Path to 9/11."
Then there's Sandy Berger, the Feckless, who was caught on security tape stuffing telling documents into his socks in a vain attempt to thwart the 9/11 Commission's discovery of what happened before the World Trade Centers were hit. Blustering Berger can't abide a suggestion that he and his boss had missed an opportunity to get Bin Laden where he lived.
Don't forget Madeline Albright, dancing with Kim Jong Il, in celebration of the Clinton administration's appeasement of the North Korean dictator during the early years of that country's nuclear build-up. Many years later we find that Kim had his own celebration going on--the fact that he hoodwinked the US into giving him even more time to build a bomb. In regards to this film, she is incensed, shocked and mad as a hornet whose nest has been blown away by a garden hose.
And, of course, the Liar-in-Chief, proclaims "Ah just want people to tell the truth." Uh, so did we Americans, Bill. Guess it depends on what the definition of "truth" is.
None Dare Call it Censorship
Maybe it's just a style issue, but I don't recall Republicans going nuts over Michael Moore's depictions of President Bush in his two hate-filled "docudramas." Nor do I see Dems standing up en masse to protest the latest cinematic outrage in which President Bush is assassinated.
Oh, I know, it's an election season. But this display of Democrat cajones is almost more than I can take. True to form, the Clinton agenda always comes back to its original mission: sue the bastards.
Thanks for the read.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Saturday, September 09, 2006
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