The Crazy Aunt in the Attic
OMG, I've become her!
Point-Counterpoint, Family Style
I received a wonderful counterpoint email to Planet California from one of my nephews. Since "internicine" politics has always intrigued me, I decided to respond and see where it takes us. Geographical tyranny being what it is, this infernal "e-mail" ironically has brought about unexpected relationships from family members we'd love to know better.
But, what if, as during America's internal wars, our political views drive us apart?
I remember the dinner table discussions at home and at Grandma's. They were always lively, terribly loud and wonderfully funny. That forum prepared each of its participants for the outside world. If nothing else, we learned how to disagree without being disagreeable, most of the addition to timing our breathing so as not to lose our turn to speak.
Perhaps in our world of gotcha, we can learn from the dinner table forum as we venture into this new reality of instant communications, anonymous, unvetted opinion and healthy, natural generational differences. With that in mind, below is my response to my nephew's email.
Different World Views
Monday, September 18, 2006
Thank you for your message this morning. I always love feedback regardless. It makes me a better observer and thus, a better writer.
Your world view and mine are vastly different. I come by mine via walking down many political roads. You may be surprised to know that I was a registered Democrat for six years. Then I became a registered Independent, and am now a middling Republican. Before my forays into progressive politics, I was always pretty independent.
The citations, Alterman, et al. provided in your email aren't foreign to me. I routinely read three newspapers a day, LA Times, Daily Californian and The Press Telegram and listen to all network coverage on television. Since I don't have much emotional investment in any candidate--never have had as I learned very early from your grandfather that every one of them, Dem, Repub, or other, has his eye on more power before anything else--I can only determine who will do what I think will work.
There's a new realism in the world; it is uncomfortable for many. The U.S. is the only post cold war superpower Incumbent upon that position, the U.S.has been forced to deal with foreign policy in a unipolar world. Mutally Assured Detruction (MAD) kept us honest, if nothing else, back then. Now, it's up to America. Who else is available and/or capable of responding to the threats that face our new world?
This sounds like fearmongering and preaching U.S.A. all the way. That, I believe, is our biggest personal difference. I call it realism. Its denouement will be determined eventually, regardless of what you and I say. The nuclear ambitions of Iran (God, think about the arms race vis a vis Saddam and Iran!) are pushing the rest of the world into making a decision. But, let's face it, the rest of the world is very worried. Again, in the unipolar world, it is up to the U.S. to stop it.
These policy skirmishes will continue for quite a while, I'm afraid, until again the kid has to get hit by a car before installing the stoplight. Historically, the U.S., will again move to contain the vagaries of all parties. The difference between now and the past is preemption. Unfortunately, America's detractors call it imperialism. There are volumes of historial data which indicate every president in every war has been accused of being an "imperial" president.
The reason: we're just not used to it. Americans are used to the opposite--inefficient and endless posturing until the problem either goes away or becomes uncontrollable. Usually, as with the early warnings of the Jihadists, the problem didn't go away. In fact, it became uncontrollable the minute the first plane hit the WTC.
Another huge difference, as I said, again is a new enemy who doesn't intend to draw back as per their own statements.
Again, our views are different. Mine are not, however, garnered from hearsay or your "You must watch Fox." I've come by my ideas honestly, believe me. Moreover, they come from years of study and political involvement at the grassroots level. I subscribe to the works of many think tanks, (Brookings, CSPC. AEI, e.g.,). With these involvements, I am exposed to the ideas of policy wonks and political types. I have met as many movers and shakers as any outsider. In fact, you'd be very surprised at whose hands I've shaken. Not bragging, just sayin...
So, please understand that when we discuss these issues, I'm not one of the minions of Fox or of right wing radio. In fact, I HATE right wing and left wing radio.
I would hope you would rather respect my opinions as devised and well thought out. Bring on the debate!
Meanwhile, hope you're doing well! Write soon.
Love always,
Auntie Andrea
Thanks for the read.
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Monday, September 18, 2006
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