I'm guessing the Far Right's Golden Girl With a Snake for a Tongue, Anne Coulter, is not all that popular among the true Republican Party faithful, i.e., the Republican Party centrists. Why? She keeps doing the same thing over and over again and no one really, truly benefits except...Anne Coulter.
Remember how she howled at George the Junior about the Harriet Meirs nomination...in a time of war...when the president was hanging on to public opinion by a thread? Great benefit. She and the rest of her pals should have let this issue be. Harriet Meirs wasn't a threat. The Far Right was out to prove a point about abortion, one more time...to the detriment of the party and the country at war. That's what's wrong with the Far Right. They have a lousy sense of timing.
Anne Coulter just can't help herself. She slipped when she stated, "...we Republicans(Conservatives/Christians/Perfect People) just want the Jews to be perfected, that's all..."
Perfected: isn't that an odd word? Not exactly on the tip of one's tongue. Who does she think she's talking to?
I'm writing to say that Anne Coulter is dead wrong. In other words, she's not correct that Christians (Conservatives/Perfect People) just want to perfect (the verb) Jews, as if only those darned, preferably Orthodox Jews would convert to Christianity they'd feel sooo much better--like Anne obviously does every time she perfects a Jew! Not to mention the extra jewels you get in your crown in heaven when you convert a Jew.
Actually, Anne needs to get her hip, usually denim-clad personhood to a Bible study.
Red Meat for the Base
I've been a Republican for hundreds of years and I don't recall ONCE needing the type of rhetoric Coulter's too red lips spittle through to get me inspired. Who needs Coulter when you've got the New York Times, Chris Matthews and CNN to get you as mad as a beauty salon patron whose tinted blonde hair keeps coming out yellow not ash, no matter what...once a brownette, always a brownette...or maybe a 40 volume peroxide is needed? It's an art, you know. Take it from one who knows: that is one mad woman.
Looking inward, as I so often do, I've wondered when we Republicans started talking so offensively, so much like Democrats. There was a time we held the high ground. We wouldn't say fudge if we had a mouthful. We were, well, wonderful.
That changed. The Goldwater-Johnson election was embarassing to a bunch of us, but most of us got snookered by the "extreme" tongues of the Right Wing of the Republican Party, and we nominated the most feared man in America, according to Democrats...and lost the election. We GOPers really knew how to pick 'em.
Republicans either stayed home that year or held their noses and voted for Barry Goldwater, who was a tremendously devisive individual. I think Barry thought he was the Cold War's Thomas Paine. He did like to go over a bit, rhetorically speaking. We abused Republicans ate it up.
As I recall, my terminally Republican mother actually didn't vote, a transgression my more-terminally Republican father took personally. (He thought like RR: speak no evil of fellow Republicans.) We got trounced.
The masterful Democrats, remarkable in the art of distortion, had taken it all in and in one 60-second spot TV advertisement called, The Daisy Girl (top right video), the gullible American people--in the middle of the Cold War, for God's sake--witnessed the dramatic black and white close-up that changed the political landscape forever: a precious, little blonde girl counts and pulls petals off a daisy..and most people know the rest. So much for the fortunes of Goldwater, and unfortunately, the Republican Party.
Then came the Silent Majority thought up by another headline grabber who in name of Christ, snookered the party again. One preacher after another came out for family values. We done got religion! Whether we wanted it or not.
Out came the anti gay message, anti everything message. Politics got mixed up with religion. The Silent Majority got their wish with Richard Nixon, which is a big joke, because Nixon, THEIR candidate was an embarassment (the man who would "end" the war in Vietnam, while Kissinger and the Viet Cong drank French champagne for four years during their so called peace talks. It was obscene, reminiscent of today's Dems who want to abandon and surrender Iraq.).
Thanks much to the political agenda of Hollywood from whom Americans have been served thousands of movies depicting the utter depravity of all Republicans, who in most scripts were always in power, we've been painted by the broadest of liberal brushes--village idiot to corporate killer to Satan. (Nothing offensive about that.) It wasn't until George Bush the Elder fought back for the first time in years with the Willie Horton ad that the Dems began understanding mowing over us wouldn't be so darned easy. I remember how they demonized the Republicans for doing the things they'd been pulling for decades. It was, I have to admit, sweet irony, especially when Bush the Elder won the election.
Such retorts and other insults over the years brought out Anne Coulter. She's an angry activist who seems to be unwilling to admit when she is wrong or that what she says might genuinely offend. In other words, Ms. Coulter comes off to many as graceless, unable to sustain a good argument because of her constant preoccupation with being heard and right. It's too bad she's allowed herself to become a charachature because she once had a cogent message before she got full of herself.
Her glib, lawyer tongue and Coulter's desperate need to be right, someone who seems to want vengence for the treatment of her boss, Clarence Thomas, no matter what, is offensive to many Republicans, with whom she may not be familiar. They're the ones who consistently give money to the Republican Election Committees and the Party, and give the president the benefit of the doubt when he's in a fight for the Republic's very life with the Dems. She should have supported the president in this horrible time of war. That's when old Anne lost me for good.
Debate and Facts
Many Republicans don't like confrontational identity debates. Anyone with a ripple of experience with Republicans remembers we don't like "scenes." I don't know; maybe it's just an emotional handicap many of us suffer,likely a result from too much time spent at the country club. By definition, a middle of the road Republican would rather go through vacinnations for rabies than raise his voice. It is sad. We cowered so long (Hoover,and the guilt, you know), like the beaten wife who's afraid her husband (FDR was in office for 16 years!) will kill the kids, and finally the Mrs. blew and her rage burst out like lava. (Then he kills the kids.)
Coulter Has Certainly Crossed My Line
I still hold out hope for more civil politics, although now political debates seem more like channel-rotating skirmishes of political pundits doing--let's face it--informal job interviews. They have a pretty good chance of making it with the next administration, after all--at least 50-50. In reality, not a lot ever gets accomplished except it semms people just get madder and our Republic continues sifting away in misinformation, as if no one cares about the Republic.
Only a Converted Jew is a Perfected Jew?
If Coulter insists on proselytizing a bunch of Jews, I suggest she bring a great big Angel with her--check with Gabriel's secretary; he might be free that week. God didn't call the Jews His Chosen People just to get ratings from the guys in Hollywood or even the Diaspored.
Get thee to a Bible study, Miss Coulter. Then get a researcher. And an editor couldn't hoit.*
Thanks for the read
*And if you find one, let me know. Cuz God knows I'm not poifict.
Monday, October 15, 2007
Anne Coulter is Incorrect
Posted by
Andrea Margot Hall
Monday, October 15, 2007
Labels:baby boomers, clinton,communists Celebrities, Giuliani, Oprah Winfrey, Pop Culture
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