Nevermind that the United States of America paid them a rather large sum for the land they didn't seem to want at the time. Now a couple of the Latino "advocacy" ("idiocy") groups want it back...and you and me out. What's changed? Numbers and solidarity, mostly. Next thing we know, Putin will want Alaska back!
LaRaza Subterranean Invasion
Although these illogical folks insist the translation of their name actually means The Community, The Peoples, and my favorite--The Cosmic; actually, LaRaza does means The Race.
LaRaza says Latinos are not a race. I didn't see anything about their Indian DNA. I'm European and Native American (my great grandmother, Isabelle Bennett, was half Miami Indian). Does that make me a LaRaza member prospect? Now since the Indian blood came into my European family in the early 1880s, I probably have as much right to form a group as these folks. After all, weren't my people invaded too?
Meanwhile, LaRaza has put Kansas City on notice that because the city has a park board member who is also a member of The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the group will pull out of their contract to hold their annual convention there. They claim it is offensive. They are outrageously demanding that the city fire the board member. They also claim the NAACP is thinking of not convening in KC for the same reason, although the source was unable to get NAACP to return his calls. I pray NAACP doesn't react at all.
If both conventions pull out, there is a likely loss of $15.2 million in revenue to the city. The KC Convention Bureau doesn't seem to know how they're going to respond. They speak as if they're in "negotiations" with this hate group, which is the biggest crime of all. The only leverage the city seems to have is a $70,000 cancellation penalty for LaRaza. What with all their federal funds, LaRaza should be able to quickly give away such a piddly amount.
BTW, it is estimated that the Latino population in Kansas City will replace the African-American population as the largest minority, according to the University of Missouri. Guess that's why all the politicians are panicking. Again, another American city's politicians just can't seem to do what's right by their current constituents. What a betrayal. And it's become these political season's Outrage Du Jour.
Aztlan (Aztlain) make no bones about their intention to "reconquer" the U.S. They are dangerous radicals who need to be exposed much more than they have been by our dilatory mainstream media. They are a racist, violent, obnoxious organization who have no regard for Anglos, Blacks, Asians, whomever. The idea that my tax dollars go to the salaries of the irresponsible, radical professors who are the spokesmen for these hate groups drives me crazy. I only hope there are no federal funds going to the organization itself. But you know there is! Isn't there always?
Lose Your Old Ideas and Join the Party, Get Legal.
And don't blame me and mine because you're not legal.
Immigrants, illegal and legal, confound their own misery by not acculturating. Most Americans don't beat their chests about their racial heritage. It doesn't matter! Isn't that what being an American is about: moving away from the old and on to the new?
Why, oh, why must these groups continue to act and react in the same old third world way, not understanding it is precisely this carrying-over of their tiresome, third world political reactions (victimhood, oppression-based reality, mob/mass/folks against the man) and customs that keep them from feeling good about where they think they should be in the American scheme of things. I wonder if the leaders of said groups are simply disappointed, bitter newcomers whose naive expectations of America's largess were great and the results were low. I think many third world immigrants have the idea there's a huge pot of gold awaiting them as soon as they come across the border. Like it's magic.
Too little is said about how hard most (all cultures, races, beliefs) Americans work, how much education we've had and what it takes to become successful in the New World. Too little is mentioned about the general good nature of most Americans who have engaged in a quiet acceptance of the flow of illegals for decades. None of us want to send people away, split up their families, none of us. But some of us have to do the right thing by the rest of the country, which is insist that the state and federal governments live up to their end of the contract they have made with the us, the people who elected them. Thus, we must expect our officials to enforce the laws they themselves made, or change the law. For that reason, I am a strong supporter of enforcement of current laws and building fences.
We brought this on ourselves. We had a chance in the mid-eighties finally get this under control, but then people were called racists if they talked too aggressively about illegals. Too politically incorrect. The only person in America who had the guts to talk about it was Pete Wilson with his Prop 187. Does anyone remember that the proposition passed? Then it was knocked down by one of the liberal judges who run our lives out here in the Ninth Judicial District by the very liberal judges appointed by the people who are screaming loudest today about immigration. Where were they then? And where were the Republicans when it came to realizing we had to force businesses to not hire illegals. Period. Neither side had the political will to jump on that third rail.
Now we have sanctuary cities. I believe that any American city which responds to the illegal immigration problem by providing sanctuary should be cut off from federal funds as they are clearly out of contractural compliance. Again, all our elected officials--local and federal--have to do is simply enforce the laws on the books, ignore the special interest groups which try to make us feel guilty and do the job they are bound to by law, the Constitution and the oaths they publicly and willingly swore to. It really, really isn't that hard.
Thanks for the read.
LaRaza Subterranean Invasion
Although these illogical folks insist the translation of their name actually means The Community, The Peoples, and my favorite--The Cosmic; actually, LaRaza does means The Race.
LaRaza says Latinos are not a race. I didn't see anything about their Indian DNA. I'm European and Native American (my great grandmother, Isabelle Bennett, was half Miami Indian). Does that make me a LaRaza member prospect? Now since the Indian blood came into my European family in the early 1880s, I probably have as much right to form a group as these folks. After all, weren't my people invaded too?
Meanwhile, LaRaza has put Kansas City on notice that because the city has a park board member who is also a member of The Minutemen Civil Defense Corps, the group will pull out of their contract to hold their annual convention there. They claim it is offensive. They are outrageously demanding that the city fire the board member. They also claim the NAACP is thinking of not convening in KC for the same reason, although the source was unable to get NAACP to return his calls. I pray NAACP doesn't react at all.
If both conventions pull out, there is a likely loss of $15.2 million in revenue to the city. The KC Convention Bureau doesn't seem to know how they're going to respond. They speak as if they're in "negotiations" with this hate group, which is the biggest crime of all. The only leverage the city seems to have is a $70,000 cancellation penalty for LaRaza. What with all their federal funds, LaRaza should be able to quickly give away such a piddly amount.
BTW, it is estimated that the Latino population in Kansas City will replace the African-American population as the largest minority, according to the University of Missouri. Guess that's why all the politicians are panicking. Again, another American city's politicians just can't seem to do what's right by their current constituents. What a betrayal. And it's become these political season's Outrage Du Jour.
Aztlan (Aztlain) make no bones about their intention to "reconquer" the U.S. They are dangerous radicals who need to be exposed much more than they have been by our dilatory mainstream media. They are a racist, violent, obnoxious organization who have no regard for Anglos, Blacks, Asians, whomever. The idea that my tax dollars go to the salaries of the irresponsible, radical professors who are the spokesmen for these hate groups drives me crazy. I only hope there are no federal funds going to the organization itself. But you know there is! Isn't there always?
Lose Your Old Ideas and Join the Party, Get Legal.
And don't blame me and mine because you're not legal.
Immigrants, illegal and legal, confound their own misery by not acculturating. Most Americans don't beat their chests about their racial heritage. It doesn't matter! Isn't that what being an American is about: moving away from the old and on to the new?
Why, oh, why must these groups continue to act and react in the same old third world way, not understanding it is precisely this carrying-over of their tiresome, third world political reactions (victimhood, oppression-based reality, mob/mass/folks against the man) and customs that keep them from feeling good about where they think they should be in the American scheme of things. I wonder if the leaders of said groups are simply disappointed, bitter newcomers whose naive expectations of America's largess were great and the results were low. I think many third world immigrants have the idea there's a huge pot of gold awaiting them as soon as they come across the border. Like it's magic.
Too little is said about how hard most (all cultures, races, beliefs) Americans work, how much education we've had and what it takes to become successful in the New World. Too little is mentioned about the general good nature of most Americans who have engaged in a quiet acceptance of the flow of illegals for decades. None of us want to send people away, split up their families, none of us. But some of us have to do the right thing by the rest of the country, which is insist that the state and federal governments live up to their end of the contract they have made with the us, the people who elected them. Thus, we must expect our officials to enforce the laws they themselves made, or change the law. For that reason, I am a strong supporter of enforcement of current laws and building fences.
We brought this on ourselves. We had a chance in the mid-eighties finally get this under control, but then people were called racists if they talked too aggressively about illegals. Too politically incorrect. The only person in America who had the guts to talk about it was Pete Wilson with his Prop 187. Does anyone remember that the proposition passed? Then it was knocked down by one of the liberal judges who run our lives out here in the Ninth Judicial District by the very liberal judges appointed by the people who are screaming loudest today about immigration. Where were they then? And where were the Republicans when it came to realizing we had to force businesses to not hire illegals. Period. Neither side had the political will to jump on that third rail.
Now we have sanctuary cities. I believe that any American city which responds to the illegal immigration problem by providing sanctuary should be cut off from federal funds as they are clearly out of contractural compliance. Again, all our elected officials--local and federal--have to do is simply enforce the laws on the books, ignore the special interest groups which try to make us feel guilty and do the job they are bound to by law, the Constitution and the oaths they publicly and willingly swore to. It really, really isn't that hard.
Thanks for the read.